Submission Guidelines for Faculty Innovative Research in Science and Technology (FIRST) Program

For MORE INFORMATION download the Full RFP


Proposal Cover Page/Review and Approval Form Two page maximum

One additional page may be added to include Co-Investigators.

Project’s title should be prefixed with “Category-A Proposal:” or “Category-B Proposal:” An example title is seen below:

Category-A Proposal: Modeling the Impact of Solar Storms on Aviation Operation Safety Margins.

Project Description Six page maximum, single-spaced with a font size no smaller than 10 point

The text needs to include enough detail about the project so that reviewers can assess the quality, feasibility and significance of the project. The project description must be written in plain language and include the following parts:


    • Abstract. On a SEPARATE PAGE, one page maximum. The abstract should be a brief narrative in non-technical language describing the project, its overall goals and specific objectives, and the approach/methodology to be employed.

    • Background. Present the project to be addressed and the importance of the proposed research.
    • Methodology/approach. Provide both a description of and a justification for the project. For research projects, this might include design, sample size, measurement techniques, instrumentation and data analysis. Include a timetable for accomplishing specific tasks. If student assistance is required, clearly delineate the activities of the Principal Investigator and student.
    • Significance. For research projects, describe the expected outcomes and their impact on current understanding, knowledge, or practice. For creative projects (undefined), describe the significance of the project both to a particular field and to the arts and humanities in general; include relevant information on galleries, events, judges, juries, etc. For either type of project, describe how the project contributes to the applicant's professional development as a scholar and to the building of a successful research program, where applicable.
    • Adequacy of resources. Describe relevant experience, and what space, facilities and equipment are available. Provide evidence for access to facilities elsewhere if necessary to carry out the proposed research project.
    • Planned External Proposal Development. A key issue to address in the Project Description, particularly for the large S&T awards category. Indicate funding agencies identified for proposal submission upon completion of this project including a time schedule for submission. If potential funding agencies cannot be identified indicate how the scholarly activity and expected outcomes would strengthen the ability of the PI to obtain funding at a later date.

References Cited No page limit

List the references cited to back up the significance, methodology and approach of the research.

Curriculum Vitae (CV) Two page maximum

Include date and institution of terminal degree and 10 most relevant publications (in print or accepted). The CV must delineate the applicant’s role in multi-authored citations (e.g. primary author, principal investigator, co-principal investigator, data collection, data analysis, etc.).

  • BudgetTwo page maximum (must be completed by the Office of Sponsored Research Administration)

Please contact The Office of Sponsored Research Administration for assistance in preparing the budget. Submit a detailed budget with an explanation justifying the amount requested for each category (see ALLOWABLE COSTS section).

Endorsement Letter from Immediate Supervisor

A letter from the applicant’s immediate supervisor detailing the departmental/unit support that will be provided to the applicant in case the proposal is funded. The letter should include cost-sharing for Ph.D. student tuition when applicable and any reduction in teaching and service loads in order to support the applicant’s research project.

Supporting Documents Five page maximum

Include the following supporting documents, as appropriate:

    • Any instruments or surveys which will be used in the project.
    • Letters from collaborators who will be making substantial commitments of time and/or facilities to the project.
    • Letters of support, which can include those from deans.
    • Quotes for equipment purchases.

Proposal Submission Instructions

or directly in Ernie (under Departments/Sponsored Research Administration/forms): administration/forms/Pages/Default.aspx

  • Once the PPIF is approved, the proposal will be assigned to an Office of Sponsored Research Administration administrator (OSRA Administrator) who will assist the PI with budget preparation for the proposal.
  • Proposal budgets will be internally routed by the OSRA Administrator for university approval via the Streamlyne online system. The final proposal package is due to the Office of Sponsored Research Administration by the submission deadline in order to be reviewed.