Presentation Type
A Conceptual Model of Transfer of Training via Virtual Environments Sonnenfeld, N.A., & Meyers, M. Presentation
A review of Transfer of Training (ToT) literature over the last several decades reveals both significant advancements and gaps in our conceptualization of the transfer process and its contributing factors - especially in the domain of training via the use of virtual environments. Updating our current model of the transfer of training process is necessary to ensure adequate preparation for personnel operating in extreme environments - particularly for those training for small unit operations in dynamic environments for extended periods of time - such as those in combat warfare, space exploration & operations, the medical operation room, and other domains in which lives are at stake.
A general recognition of the impact of trainee characteristics, training design, and work environment upon transfer is not enough for the quantification and analysis of training and systems. Building from the Baldwin & Ford (1988) Transfer of Training model, the researchers expand upon existing literature regarding the inputs, outputs, and outcomes of training transfer to propose a synthesized model of transfer of training via the use of virtual environments, as a foundation for future inquiry into this dynamic process. Inclusion of previous reviews – among novel perspectives on the virtual experience, learning in virtual environments, presence, experiential design, and on the assessment and evaluation of the Transfer of Training construct - enable this fundamental work to inspire and provide framework for the next generation of applied training research.
A Conceptual Model of Transfer of Training via Virtual Environments
A Conceptual Model of Transfer of Training via Virtual Environments Sonnenfeld, N.A., & Meyers, M. Presentation
A review of Transfer of Training (ToT) literature over the last several decades reveals both significant advancements and gaps in our conceptualization of the transfer process and its contributing factors - especially in the domain of training via the use of virtual environments. Updating our current model of the transfer of training process is necessary to ensure adequate preparation for personnel operating in extreme environments - particularly for those training for small unit operations in dynamic environments for extended periods of time - such as those in combat warfare, space exploration & operations, the medical operation room, and other domains in which lives are at stake.
A general recognition of the impact of trainee characteristics, training design, and work environment upon transfer is not enough for the quantification and analysis of training and systems. Building from the Baldwin & Ford (1988) Transfer of Training model, the researchers expand upon existing literature regarding the inputs, outputs, and outcomes of training transfer to propose a synthesized model of transfer of training via the use of virtual environments, as a foundation for future inquiry into this dynamic process. Inclusion of previous reviews – among novel perspectives on the virtual experience, learning in virtual environments, presence, experiential design, and on the assessment and evaluation of the Transfer of Training construct - enable this fundamental work to inspire and provide framework for the next generation of applied training research.
I was highly confused about the abstract submission guidelines - the flyer says 300-500 words, but this submission website says 250 max.
For this one I've submitted, it has 249 words. If it needs more, let me know, and I will supply the extra 50 words ( /
I think this is concise, however.
Also, I am trying to submit this as an actual presentation, not a poster, I'm not sure if this is how to go about it.