International Bulletin of Political Psychology (IBPP) | Vol 10 | Iss 15



Is Science Ever Science? The Politics of Child Care — April 27, 2001
IBPP Editor

This article explores the political behavior of psychologists in the carrying out of scientific tasks.


Leader in Love II — April 27, 2001
IBPP Editor

This article continues the analysis of the political consequences of leaders in love.


Political Psychology in Yugoslavia: An Overview — April 27, 2001
IBPP Editor

This article (with minimal editing by IBPP) has been written by a new IBPP Regional Editor, Natasa Bajic, a psychologist who resides in Serbia. In the article, she provides an overview of political psychology within Yugoslavia.

IBPP Research Associates


IBPP Research Associates: Ghana — April 27, 2001
Sola Akosile - The Online Independent (Ghana)

This article - A lost generation, by Sola Akosile - was written for the April 24, 2001 issue of The Online Independent (Ghana). It discusses the migration of young Ghanaians in the context of dire economic times.

The article may be be found in part as part of the archive. The full article is available by subscription only.



Trends. Accountability in Security Organizations: The Case of the United States Navy — April 27, 2001
IBPP Editor

Controversy surrounds the adjudication of the United States Navy (USN) commander whose submarine collided with and then sank a Japanese fishing boat in February 200l. The USN has Issued a letter of reprimand to the commander and is allowing him to leave the Navy with full pension based on his current rank, as opposed to authorizing a court-martial that would have rendered the commander liable to very serious criminal charges and sentences. At Issue have been the effects of the adjudication on military personnel aware of the adjudication.


Trends. The Psychology of the Only Realistic Alternative: A Problem in the Mideast — April 27, 2001
IBPP Editor

This article discusses the conflict between the Palestinian National Authority (PNA) and the State of Israel.