International Bulletin of Political Psychology (IBPP) | Vol 10 | Iss 20



Personology, Profiling, and the Terrorist — June 8, 2001
IBPP Editor

This article identifies problems in common approaches to capturing the psychological essence of the terrorist.


Revisiting the United States Hostage Negotiation Policy: An Academic Imperative. Part I — June 8, 2001
IBPP Editor

This article comes in two parts - the article and the notes.

Article abstract: To get hostages released without harm requires a national policy committed to that principle. With that in mind, there needs to be an understanding of the perpetrators' "objective view" of reality. These views have political, economic, psychological, cultural, ethno-religious and perceptual dimensions. Those multivariate dimensions of any hostage situation mandate policies that should be based on law enforcement and military perspectives, in order to be flexible enough to permit their consideration and continuously evaluate their national and international implications.

Part II: Notes and bibliography for Part I.

Both parts of published in IBPP Volume 10, Issue 20 - June 08, 2001.


Revisiting the United States Hostage Negotiation Policy: An Academic Imperative. Part II — June 8, 2001
IBPP Editor

This article comes in two parts - the article and the notes.

Article abstract: To get hostages released without harm requires a national policy committed to that principle. With that in mind, there needs to be an understanding of the perpetrators' "objective view" of reality. These views have political, economic, psychological, cultural, ethno-religious and perceptual dimensions. Those multivariate dimensions of any hostage situation mandate policies that should be based on law enforcement and military perspectives, in order to be flexible enough to permit their consideration and continuously evaluate their national and international implications.

Part II: Notes and bibliography for Part I.

Both parts of published in IBPP Volume 10, Issue 20 - June 08, 2001.


Self-Injurious Behavior as a Window To the Soul: Support for a Will to Power? — June 8, 2001
IBPP Editor

This article describes a rationale for self-injurious behavior in the political world


The Psychology of Tit for Tat in the Mideast and Throughout the World — June 8, 2001
IBPP Editor

This article analyzes the cognitive-behavioral heuristic of tit for tat as it applies to seemingly intractable political conflict.

IBPP Research Associates


IBPP Research Associates: Malawi — June 8, 2001
Staff Writer - The Nation (Malawi)

The original article - Standing means winning, by a staff writer at The Nation (Malawi) - was posted on The Nation (Malawi) on June 4. It cannot be posted here for copyright reasons. Please contact The Nation ( for more information.

In the article, the author discusses politics in Malawi in 2001, and the rule of law. At the time of the story, President Bakili Muluzi had served two constitutional terms, and the issue discussed is whether a charismatic leader like Mr. Muluzi should exceed his constitutional mandate.


IBPP Research Associates: Zimbabwe — June 8, 2001
Paul Mavima - The Zimbabwe Mirror

This article - The best sanctions against errant politicians are applied from within, by Paul Mavima - was posted in the June 1st issue of The Zimbabwe Mirror. A full download of the article is not currently available due to copyright restrictions.

In the article, the author discusses the notion of both internal and external sanctions against Robert Mugabe, making a case for internal instead of external sanctions as a response to Mr. Mugabe's alleged abuses.



Trends. A Peculiar Defense Logic: Why Terrorists Should Be Incarcerated or Killed Without Trial — June 8, 2001
IBPP Editor

The IBPP editor discusses the logic/rationale behind the idea that convicted terrorists facing the death penalty should neither convicted nor face said penalty given that the soldiers are (or consider themselves to be) soldiers in a war.


Trends. Border Security Legislation, Terrorism-Sponsoring Nations, and Evil — June 8, 2001
IBPP Editor

The IBPP editor discusses limiting temporary visas for visitors from alleged terrorism-sponsoring nations as a way of "tightening" the security of national borders.


Trends. Politics and Cyberpsychology — June 8, 2001
IBPP Editor

The IBPP editor discusses political changes that might come about given the continual expansion of the Internet.


Trends. The Psychology of Military Readiness — June 8, 2001
IBPP Editor

The IBPP editor discusses military readiness and national security.