International Bulletin of Political Psychology (IBPP) | Vol 10 | Iss 3



Creation of Paranoia, Part I — January 26, 2001
IBPP Editor

This article explores parallels between delusions and paranoia suffered by society and by the mentally ill. Motives behind the creation of paranoia are discussed. Focus is given to creation of paranoia toward the Jewish people, because this social pathology has infected most of the world for a greater period of time than any other. Reaction to rejection of ideology is found to be an important motive for creation of paranoia in society. Other manifestations of social paranoia, such as the creation of false memories, are also discussed. (Note 1: The article is written by Dr. Karl Ericson. Dr. Ericson has published articles on the prevention of mental illness in the Journal of Humanistic Psychology and is available through contacting IBPP.) (Note 2: The article casts attention on a number of Issues covered by IBPP. These Issues include the social construction and politics of mental illness as a construct, the epistemological vulnerabilities of the constructs of paranoia and delusion, the shortfalls of logic, the similarities among behavior termed normal versus pathological, the metaphysical status of mind and of reality, the psychological and social consequences of being labeled with a psychiatric diagnosis, and the strengths and weaknesses of positing collective psychological phenomena that mirror individual ones.) (Note 3: The article is being posted in two installments--half this week and half the week of February 2.)

IBPP Research Associates


IBPP Research Associates: Zimbabwe — January 26, 2001
Staff Writer – Standard Online (Zimbabwe)

The following article was posted on the Standard Online (Zimbabwe). All rights to the article are reserved, and it may not be provided for download here. Please contact The Standard for more information.

This article discusses the declaration for three days of mourning for Laurent Kabila, former Democratic Republic of the Congo leader. President Robert Mugabe declared the three-day mourning period and many in the general public felt Mugabe was demeaning the people of Zimbabwe.



Trends. A Change of President in the Philippines — January 26, 2001
IBPP Editor

This article discusses Philippines President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo and the ousting of former President Joseph Estrada. In an earlier IBPP article from volume 5, issue 3, the background and career of Joseph Estrada is discussed and some readers may discover hints of reasons for his removal from office.


Trends. Commentary on the January 16, 2001 SECRECY NEWS item "Rumsfeld Commission Calls For Anti-Satellite Tests." — January 26, 2001
IBPP Editor

IBPP comments on a SECRECY NEWS article from January 2001, which discussed Donald Rumsfeld's call for anti-satellite tests based on what the SECRECY NEWS authors considered unsubstantiated claims that there was a "virtual certainty" of future hostilities in space.