International Bulletin of Political Psychology (IBPP) | Vol 10 | Iss 5



Cyberpsychology and Virtual Reality: Is an Update Necessary — February 9, 2001
IBPP Editor

This article explores the notion that something called "human nature" may be changing in an era of significant information technology developments.


A Peculiar Logic of Pro-Abortion Advocacy — February 9, 2001
IBPP Editor

This article identifies a weakness in pro-abortion advocacy and how this weakness can be resolved to support said advocacy.


The Person in Personnel Security: A Vulnerability in Espionage Analysis — February 9, 2001
IBPP Editor

This article describes some espionage-relevant content variables within which individual behavior is embedded.

IBPP Research Associates


IBPP Research Associates: Tanzania — February 9, 2001
Staff Writer – The Express Online (Tanzania)

The article - Gov't, CUF owe public explanation, by a staff writer at The Express Online (Tanzania) - was originally posted within the February 1st-7th Issue of The Express Online (Tanzania), but it is no longer available online. Due to copyright restrictions, the article is not included here for download.

This article presented a view Tanzania's political climate, which included a discussion of local political violence.



Trends. A Standard Standard of Proof: Is the World Trade Organization Good or Bad for Democracy? — February 9, 2001
IBPP Editor

This article discusses the view of one member of the United States House of Representatives about the World Trade Organization and its affect on democracy.


Trends. Psychology and Sanctions: Why Saddam Won — February 9, 2001
IBPP Editor

This article discusses the psychology of sanctions and the effect sanctions have had on the Iraqi people.