International Bulletin of Political Psychology (IBPP) | Vol 11 | Iss 1



Short Term Effects of the Retrenchment Exercise on Individual and Organisational Performance in the Uganda Civil Service: Part II — July 6, 2001
IBPP Editor

IBPP Note. The concluding segment of this article provides theory, empirical data, and analysis on some political psychological consequences of organizational retrenchment in a political bureaucracy within a country often unattended to by Western researchers. It was written by Dr. Peter Baguma, Senior Lecturer, Institute of Psychology, Makerere University, Kampala, Uganda, and International Editor, IBPP. Dr. Baguma can be reached at

Abstract. This study set out to assess the short-term effects of a retrenchment exercise on individual and organisational performance in the Uganda civil service. In all, 247 senior and lower rank employees from 6 civil service ministries were administered a questionnaire that measured individual performance, factors hindering employee performance and suggestions on how performance could be improved, and organisational performance factors. The majority of participants reported retrenchment had positive or unknown effects on individual performance. Factors hindering employee performance were inadequate funding, lack of motivation, work overload, and lack of tools--to mention but a few. Providing a living wage, improved incentives, and training were some of the factors identified that could lead to improved performance. The majority of participants also reported that retrenchment had positive or no effects on organisational performance. Specific recommendations are given in the text. (Note: The Introduction for this article was posted in the June 29th Issue of IBPP.)

IBPP Research Associates


IBPP Research Associates: Namibia — July 6, 2001
Andre Pisani - University of Namibia

The article for this piece - Non-Emancipatory Politics, by Andre Pisani - was posted on the July 5, 2001 issue of The Namibian. It has not been provided in Scholarly Commons due to copyright restrictions. Please contact The Namibian ( for further information.

In the article, the author discusses the challenge of instituting good governance and ethics while the politics of patronage is active in Namibia.



Trends. Human Rights and Politics: The Wrong Argument Against the International Criminal Court — July 6, 2001
IBPP Editor

This article discusses the International Criminal Court, or ICC. At issue is the contention that the ICC has been used primarily as a political tool for settling vendettas against the governments of nation-states and/or the leaders of these states instead of furthering human rights through adjudicating allegations of genocide, crimes against humanity, and war crimes.


Trends. Meanings and Words: Communication Catalysis and Reactivity in the Mideast — July 6, 2001
IBPP Editor

This article discusses the nature of public discourse and fact construction in the context of the conflict between the state of Israel and the Palestinian National Authority.