International Bulletin of Political Psychology (IBPP) | Vol 11 | Iss 3



Celibacy, Sexual Exclusivity, and Illicit Drug Abstinence: Giving Up the Life as Taboo in AIDS Prevention — July 20, 2001
IBPP Editor

This article highlights social cognitions that seem to impede cost-effective approaches to AIDS prevention.


Weapons as Weapons: Another Northern Ireland Impasse — July 20, 2001
IBPP Editor

This article explores the psychology of weapons possession in the context of political conflict in Northern Ireland.

IBPP Research Associates


IBPP Research Associates: Zimbabwe — July 20, 2001
Chido Makunike - The Zimbabwe Mirror

This article - Africa: Can we try something new?, by Chido Makunike - was posted on the July 13th Issue of The Zimbabwe Mirror. It may not be provided for download due to copyright restrictions.

In the article, Makunike discusses the issue of development, philosophically. The thought experiment upon which he reflects involves having the populations of two countries (one "developed," the other not "developed") trade places. What follows is a discussion of what development means in a cultural context.



Trends. Environmental Issues: Struggles To Think Globally — July 20, 2001
IBPP Editor

This article discusses the difficulties of thinking globally in the context of environmentalism and environmental policy, even for proponents of environmental stewardship.


Trends. The Case for Reflexively Condemning Reflexively Condemning Human Rights Violations — July 20, 2001
IBPP Editor

This article discusses whether it is viable to compare different human rights violations.