International Bulletin of Political Psychology (IBPP) | Vol 12 | Iss 13



The Need for Trauma: A Terrophilic Consequence of 9/11 — April 5, 2002
IBPP Editor

This article addresses the response of many United States (US) professional mental health authorities to the terrorist attacks within the US of September 11, 2001.


The Terror of Terrorism: The Limits of Epistemology — April 5, 2002
IBPP Editor

The purpose of this article is to identify elements of the psychological terror wrought through terrorism.

IBPP Research Associates


IBPP Research Associates: Namibia — April 5, 2002
Staff Writer - The Namibian

This article was posted on April 2, 2002 in The Namibian, online. It may not be provided here due to copyright restrictions.

The staff writer discusses the topic of whether the United States or European governments owe African Americans for slavery, colonialism, or apartheid oppression.



Trends. Zero-Sum Games and Terrorism: Israeli and Palestinian Contestants — April 5, 2002
IBPP Editor

The construct of the zero-sum game has several denotations in the political psychological literature on conflict.