International Bulletin of Political Psychology (IBPP) | Vol 12 | Iss 14



Federal Immigration Law and Community Policing — April 12, 2002
IBPP Editor

This article explores consequences of state and local police enforcement of federal immigration law.


Magical Thinking But No Magic: Implications for Sacred Terrorism — April 12, 2002
IBPP Editor

This article describes lay and scientific psychological constructs of magic with implications for terrorism perpetrated through religious motivation.


Projective Musings on Political Alternatives of Projective Identification — April 12, 2002
IBPP Editor

This article describes interpretations of the projective identification construct.

IBPP Research Associates


IBPP Research Associates: Botswana — April 12, 2002
Staff Writer – The Botswana Gazette

The featured article – What benefit is trade with America bringing to Botswana?, by a staff writer at the Botswana Gazette - was posted on The Botswana Gazette on April 3, 2002. It is not available in Scholarly Commons due to copyright restrictions.

In the article, the author discusses the views of Loago Raditedu – boss of the Exporters Association of Botswana – and his views about the government’s moves to have Botswana down listed to a lower income group of countries.



Trends. The Error of the Fundamental Attribution Error: The Character Assassinations of Sharon and Arafat — April 12, 2002
IBPP Editor

This article discusses the propagandistic language surrounding Ariel Sharon and Yasir Arafat in the context of Middle Eastern politics of Israel and Palestine.


Trends. The Psychology of Treaty Compliance — April 12, 2002
IBPP Editor

This article discusses the psychological and political context of national compliance with treaties.