


Special Article: Recommendations for Optimal Personnel Security in the Cyberworld — August 23, 2002
IBPP Editor

This article considers the social construction of recommendations for personnel security in the context of a global cyberworld.

IBPP Research Associates


IBPP Research Associates: Zimbabwe — August 23, 2002
Staff Writer - The Financial Gazette (Zimbabwe)

The following article - A defiant Mugabe goes down fighting, by a staff writer at The Financial Gazette (Zimbabwe) - was posted on the August 15, 2002 issue of that publication. It may not be posted in Scholarly Commons due to copyright restrictions, but it is available in part at this page at allAfrica.com (subscription required for full access), or in full at this page of The Zimbabwe Situation.

The article discusses President Robert Mugabe and his efforts to retain power in Zimbabwe.



Trends. A Room With a Cue: Validating an Age-Old Intelligence Tool? — August 23, 2002
IBPP Editor

This article discusses the psychological implications of the choices regarding physical features of a given individual’s environment (e.g., a person’s office).


Trends. Husbands, Wives, and Terrorism: The Validity of Beliefs and the Threat of Interpretive Strategies — August 23, 2002
IBPP Editor

This article discusses threat assessment via linguistic analysis.