International Bulletin of Political Psychology (IBPP) | Vol 13 | Iss 6



9/11 Stress About Coping with 9/11 Stress — September 13, 2002
IBPP Editor

This article identifies paradoxes and conceptual difficulties with behavioral scientists and expert advice on coping with 9/11-related stress.


Threat and Threatening Language: Public Discourse on Iraq — September 13, 2002
IBPP Editor

This article explores the relationship of language, the construction of threat, and the constructor’s response to that which is constructed.


Vestiges of Communism and Personnel Security — September 13, 2002
IBPP Editor

This article illustrates several interpretive difficulties in employing personnel security criteria in the context of national security.

IBPP Research Associates


IBPP Research Associates: Tanzania — September 13, 2002
Evarist Kagaruki - The Express (Tanzania)

The article discussed - Promises meant to be broken, by Evarist Kagaruki - was posted on the September 12-18, 2002 issue of The Express (Tanzania). It may not be posted here because copyright permissions were not available.

The author discussed international environmental meetings (e.g., Earth Summit (Stockholm, Sweden); the Rio Summit (Rio de Janeiro, Brazil); the World Summit on Sustainable Development (Johannesburg, South Africa)), as well as the international political conditions surrounding each meeting. The author views the promises of the wealthy nations with skepticism



Trends. Aviation Security: Problems in Arguments Against Arming Pilots — September 13, 2002
IBPP Editor

This Trends article discusses a press release from the Violence Policy center, which strongly advocates against arming commercial airline pilots against terrorists.


Trends. Personnel Security in an Age of Terrorism with Global Reach — September 13, 2002
IBPP Editor

This Trends article discusses what an appropriate level of commitment to a security bureaucracy might look like.