International Bulletin of Political Psychology (IBPP) | Vol 14 | Iss 12



National Security, Child Development, and Intelligence on Intelligence — April 11, 2003
IBPP Editor

This article provides a perspective on child development as a national security Issue, efforts to facilitate optimal child development, and the construct of intelligence as an indicator of child development.


The Psychology of Behavioral Prediction and War — April 11, 2003
IBPP Editor

This article describes recent social cognition research bearing on the psychology of behavioral prediction that may have implications for wartime decision making.

IBPP Research Associates


IBPP Research Associates: Tanzania — April 11, 2003
Evarist Kagaruki - The Express (Tanzania)

The article discussed - US using terrorism scare to attain ulterior objective, by Evarist Kagaruki - was posted on the April 3-9, 2003 Issue of The Express (Tanzania). Copyright permissions for the article were not available, and it is not available in Scholarly Commons.

The article characterizes the actions U.S. and British forces in Iraq as being those of imperialist aggressors and invaders, and criticizes the foreign policy of the George W. Bush White House and the misleading of the American people.



Trends. After the Deluge: Psychology and Post-Totalitarianism — April 11, 2003
IBPP Editor

This Trends article discusses the psychological impacts – both positive and negative - of the transition from totalitarian rule in Iraq following the US-led military intervention against Saddam Hussein’s regime.


Trends. Is Saddam Hussein Dead? — April 11, 2003
IBPP Editor

This Trends article discusses how we might know whether Saddam Hussein is dead, as well as his significance in the ongoing political narrative in Iraq.