International Bulletin of Political Psychology (IBPP) | Vol 14 | Iss 16



Announcements — May 22, 2003
IBPP Editor

IBPP announcements pertaining to reader requests, editor nominations, and relevant conferences, as well as online and print publications.


Security Watch: No-Fly Zones and Flying Blind — May 22, 2003
IBPP Editor

The article evaluates the gain in security from no-fly zones from a security perspective.


Hope Springs Eternal: The Psychology of Deception — May 22, 2003
IBPP Editor

The author considers the idea of detecting deception, noted difficulties in doing so, and questions whether additional funding applied to detecting deception in the context of terrorism would be effective. The author refers to the efforts of the United States Senate Select Committee on Intelligence (SSCI) specifically.


The Psychological Training of Intelligence Analysts: Self-Change and Changes in the World — May 22, 2003
IBPP Editor

The author considers the prospects of self-change of analysts in the context of intelligence analysis, and the possibility of the analysts’ gaining better insights into the actual state of global affairs in the process.


Wanted: A Political Psychology — May 22, 2003
IBPP Editor

This article describes guidelines for a political psychology curriculum that could be pursued by the academic, the academic student, and the autodidact.

IBPP Research Associates


IBPP Research Associates: Tanzania — May 22, 2003
Evarist Kagaruki - The Express (Tanzania)

The article discussed - Problems of remote-controlled regimes, by Evarist Kagaruki - was posted on the May 22-28, 2003 issue of The Express (Tanzania). Copyright permissions were not available, and it may not be posted in Scholarly Commons for download.

The author examines what it means in a strategic/political sense for Bush administration in the United States to have installed governments in both Kabul, Afghanistan and Baghdad, Iraq following the military defeats of the Taliban and Saddam Hussein respectively.