International Bulletin of Political Psychology (IBPP) | Vol 14 | Iss 18



Announcements — June 13, 2003
IBPP Editor

IBPP announcements pertaining to reader requests, editor nominations, and relevant conferences, as well as online and print publications.


CAPPSII: Caveats on Progress — June 13, 2003
IBPP Editor

This article identifies potential security shortfalls even in the context of improvements in counterterrorist profiling.


Homeland Security Policy: Deportment on Deportation — June 13, 2003
IBPP Editor

This article provides commentary on the appropriateness of deporting illegal aliens in support of homeland security policy.

IBPP Research Associates


IBPP Research Associates: Uganda — June 13, 2003
Mariam Nakisekka - The Monitor (Uganda)

The article discussed - Love asks why, it is conditional, by Mariam Nakisekka - was posted on the June 13, 2003 issue of The Monitor (Uganda). Copyright permissions for the article were not available, and it is not provided in Scholarly Commons for download.

The author considers the concept of unconditional love, ultimately concluding that it is a fantasy not available from others or offerable by oneself.



Trends. Psychologies of Influencing Military Conflict and Terrorism — June 13, 2003
IBPP Editor

This article examines leadership and attempts to prevent or resolve episodes of military conflict and terrorism.


Trends. Public Discourse on Iraqi WMD — June 13, 2003
IBPP Editor

The author discusses the viability of changing one’s opinion regarding weapons of mass destruction (WMD) in Iraq over time (pre-war and post-war).