International Bulletin of Political Psychology (IBPP) | Vol 14 | Iss 8



God and Man in the White House: Implications for Going to War — March 14, 2003
IBPP Editor

This article highlights pertinent psychological research on the relationship between a national leader’s religious beliefs and that leader’s decision making on going to war.


Political Authority and Social Cognitions on the War on Terrorism with Global Reach: Airport Security, Terrorism Contingent on a United States-Led Attack on Iraq, Smallpox Vaccinations — March 14, 2003
IBPP Editor

This article presents analyses of three common social cognitions embraced by many representatives of political authority concerning aspects of the war on terrorism with global reach.

IBPP Research Associates


IBPP Research Associates: Tanzania — March 14, 2003
Abduel Kenge - The Express (Tanzania)

The article discussed - Daladala as agent of social change!!, by Abduel Kenge - qwas posted within the March 20-26 issues of The Express (Tanzania). Copyright permissions were not available, and the full text of the article is not in Scholarly Commons.

The author discusses the activities of daladala (minibus taxis) owners in Tanzania in their campaign to educate their passengers about the dangers of HIV/AIDS as well about other social issues.


IBPP Research Associates: Zimbabwe — March 14, 2003
Editor - The Daily News (Harare)

The article - Zimbabwe: Ugly Manifestations of Power - was an editorial posted within the March 13, 2003 issue of The Daily News (Harare). It is partially available at allAfrica online. For subscription information, please contact AllAfrica Global Media. This article is also fully available at The Zimbabwe Situation.

The author discusses the tendency of African rulers - in this case, Robert Mugabe - to pursue absolute power once in charge of a country, and the strategies used to do so.



Trends. A Casualty of War: Suicide as a Response to an American-Led Invasion of Iraq — March 14, 2003
IBPP Editor

This Trends article discusses the political psychology of suicide as protest.


Trends. Science is Apolitical as Political — March 14, 2003
IBPP Editor

This Trends article discusses the nature of science from a political psychological perspective.