International Bulletin of Political Psychology (IBPP) | Vol 15 | Iss 12



Announcements — December 5, 2003
IBPP Editor

IBPP announcements pertaining to reader requests, editor nominations, and relevant conferences, as well as online and print publications.


Lewdness, Sex, and Terrorism — December 5, 2003
IBPP Editor

The author discusses the idea of punishing supervisory personnel of the Federal Bureau of Investigation for sexual behavior.


Shootings in Iraq: A South Korean Response — December 5, 2003
IBPP Editor

This author examines statements of South Korean president, Roh Moo Hyun, in the wake of the news of the November 30, 2003 killings of two South Korean civilian electrical workers in Iraq. The nature of terrorism as well as potential interpretations of the president’s statements are stressed.


What’s Special About Special Registration? — December 5, 2003
IBPP Editor

This article discusses reasons why the Special Registration Program of the United States (US) Department of Homeland Security that required the fingerprinting, photographing, and interviewing of Muslim and Arab non-citizens within the US was problematic, evaluating the potential efficacy of the program in the process.

IBPP Research Associates


IBPP Research Associates: Tanzania — December 5, 2003
Abduel Kenge - The Express (Tanzania)

The article discussed – Distasteful news reporting, by Abduel Kenge - was posted on The Express Online in late 2003. It may not be provided in Scholarly Commons due to copyright restrictions.

The author evaluates the news reporting on the medical condition of President Benjamin Mkapa after an operation in Hirslander Clinic in Zurich, Switzerland.