International Bulletin of Political Psychology (IBPP) | Vol 15 | Iss 3



Announcements — September 12, 2003
IBPP Editor

IBPP announcements pertaining to reader requests, editor nominations, and relevant conferences, as well as online and print publications.


Beyond the Downside of War and Stress: A Commentary on Danieli — September 12, 2003
IBPP Editor

This article describes areas of psychological functioning that are often ignored or discounted by authors commenting on the psychological effects of war.


Commentary on Department of Energy Polygraph Policy — September 12, 2003
IBPP Editor

This article provides commentary on recent revisions in the United States Department of Energy’s polygraph policy.

IBPP Research Associates


IBPP Research Associates: Botswana — September 12, 2003
Spencer Mogapi - The Botswana Gazette

The article discussed - Batswana anger towards illegals understandable – diplomats, by Spencer Mogapi - was posted on The Botswana Gazette in the late summer of 2003, and referenced in the September 12 issue of IBPP. Copyright permissions for the article were not available, and it may not be posted in Scholarly Commons.

The author discusses relations between Botswana and Zimbabwe. Issues included tensions surrounding the building of an electric fence on the border between Botswana and Zimbabwe, the actions of illegal Zimbabwean immigrants in Botswana, and Foot and Mouth disease transference between cattle populations of both countries.



Trends. The United States, Israel, and Parallelism in Counterterrorist Response — September 12, 2003
IBPP Editor

This Trends article discusses and evaluates United States reactions to terrorist attacks, and US support for Israel in a political psychological context.