International Bulletin of Political Psychology (IBPP) | Vol 18 | Iss 2



National Security and Education: What Is Graduating College Worth? — July 30, 2018
IBPP Editor

There are newly shared positive correlations between genetics and college graduation. Although higher education including college graduation has national security import, social policy implications based on such data are less clear.


Fake News: Is Truth Really Under Attack? — July 23, 2018
IBPP Editor

Attacking fake news may be as fake as fake news. Or so suggests Western epistemology.


Who’s Running the World? Psychological Assessment of Political Leaders — July 14, 2018
IBPP Editor

Should psychological assessment techniques be applied to global political leaders with the results conveyed to general publics worldwide? These techniques may not yet be ready for prime time.


Psychological Warfare and the Kingdom of Shame — July 9, 2018
IBPP Editor

Psychological warfare is commonly referred to as a battle for hearts and minds. But inducing desired behavioral change is more complicated as the psychology of shame illustrates.