International Bulletin of Political Psychology (IBPP) | Vol 19 | Iss 1



The US Government Shutdown: When Is Personality Shut Out? — January 28, 2019
IBPP Editor

This article identifies factors influencing how significant a leader’s personality affects political decision making and behavior.


Psychology of Cargo Cults and Contemporary Cargo Security — January 22, 2019
IBPP Editor

This article describes a convergence between the psychology of cargo cults and contemporary cargo security


Do Government Shut Downs Shut Down Aviation Security? — January 15, 2019
IBPP Editor

There have been reports of a growing number of Transportation Security Administration (TSA) agents calling in sick and refusing to work for no pay (1). The immediate question becomes, what’s the impact on aviation security? The answer is a negative one, but not as negative as one might think, and one only adding to festering, pre-shutdown problems.



Sexual Orientation and Personnel Security — January 17, 2019
Jennifer Terry and Richard W. Bloom

Dr. Jennifer Terry and IBPP editor Dr. Richard Bloom discuss constructs like ‘formations of sexuality’ and sexual orientation in the context of personnel security, especially within Cold War public discourse. As well, a discussion on war, militarism, and medical research. Worthy of further exploration in the context of security and intelligence activities and only briefly touched on is the academic area of the history of consciousness.