International Bulletin of Political Psychology (IBPP) | Vol 2 | Iss 2



Controlling Control in the Cult: Big Brother, Little Brothers, and "Turning In" — April 11, 1997
IBPP Editor

A previous article (IBPP, Vol. 1, No. 9, "The Psychology of Controlling Control") described the psychological challenges that must be surmounted by political leaders desiring to control others. The present article describes psychological phenomena w


Entering the Cult: The Role of Personality and Self-Peer Agreement — April 11, 1997
IBPP Editor

This paper describes a psychological factor which may make it more likely that people voluntarily enter cults. The same factor may be used by cult solicitors and gate keepers to create "voluntary entry."


To Stay or To Go: Social Identity and Self-Categorization Theories — April 11, 1997
IBPP Editor

This article describes some psychological factors affecting whether members remain in a cult or leave.