International Bulletin of Political Psychology (IBPP) | Vol 2 | Iss 4



21st Century Terrorism: The New Face of the Hydra (Part I) — April 25, 1997
IBPP Editor

The IBPP Editors are pleased to publish this article by Mr. James A. Kinnison, a graduate student in the Political Science Department at the University of New Mexico, who is specializing in international relations and national security. Part of the work for this article was done while Mr. Kinnison was an extern at Sandia National Laboratories. (Of course, the views in the article are solely his own.) A version of this article was presented at the international academic conference on Science, Technology, and the 21st Century: New Eden or Armageddon?” at Cameron University, Lawton Oklahoma on March 21, 1997. This first installment describes some terrorist trends and includes an IBPP editorial commentary.


Intelligence on Intelligence: Comments on Khamisiyah — April 25, 1997
IBPP Editor

This paper describes some of the problems intrinsic to intelligence analysis. The description derives from a close reading of the unclassified document “Khamisiyah: A Historical Perspective on Related Intelligence” (9 April 1997) which was prepared by a United States (US) Intelligence Community (IC) Persian Gulf War Illnesses Task Force authorized by the Acting Director of Central Intelligence, George J.Tenet, and directed by his Special Assistant for Gulf War Veterans’ Illnesses, Robert Walpole.