International Bulletin of Political Psychology (IBPP) | Vol 2 | Iss 8



A Straight Word on Sex for the United States Armed Forces — June 20, 1997
IBPP Editor

This article presents aspects of a policy on sexuality that will support "good order and discipline," "character," and other hypothetical constructs allegedly associated with a military's contribution to the security of its sponsors. (For a related article see "Sex as a Military Weapon" in IBPP Vol. 1, No. 14, February 28,1997.)


Malcolm X and the Psychology of "Barn Burning" — June 20, 1997
IBPP Editor

This article provides historical and psychological data that may bear on the recent firesetting tragedy involving Dr. Betty Shabbaz, Malcolm X's widow, and his grandson, Malcolm Shabbaz.


Taking Down the Tupac Amaru: A Personal Account — June 20, 1997
IBPP Editor

This article was submitted by Cesar Gayoso, Policy Analyst and Editor of Taller de Psicologia, who is affiliated with Pontificia Universidad Catolicia del Peru. He also is an IBPP Regional Editor and he desires commentary from readers . His article is a personal account of the political psychological effects of the Tupac Amaru Revolutionary Movement's (MRTA) takeover of the Japanese ambassador's residence in Lima, Peru, the Peruvian government's operation to end the takeover and free hostages, and the operation's aftermath. Readers should also consult "Taking Down the Tupac Amaru: The Best and Worst of Counterterrorism" in IBPP, Vol. 2, No. 5, May 2, 1997.