International Bulletin of Political Psychology (IBPP) | Vol 3 | Iss 15



Strange Bedfellows: Abraham Maslow as Defender of Human Rights Violations, Jiang Zemin as Humanist — November 7, 1997
IBPP Editor

This article describes an instance in which humanistic psychological theory supports the rationale for behavior frequently linked with human rights violations.


The Psychology of Reactance and Causal Attributions: Implications for Public Diplomacy — November 7, 1997
IBPP Editor

This article describes several psychological phenomena that can impede resolutions of political conflict.


The Psychophysiology of Detecting Lies: More Problems — October 7, 1997
IBPP Editor

This article describes a recent study that illustrates the complexity of empirically validating the psychophysiological detection of deception.



Trends. Miscalculating Miscalculations: Why Iraqi Threats against the United States (US) Make Sense — November 7, 1997
IBPP Editor

The author discusses the political and psychological impact of of Iraq actions against the US in regards to UN generated nuclear inspections .