International Bulletin of Political Psychology (IBPP) | Vol 3 | Iss 2



Equilibration, Assimilation, and Accommodation as Substrates of Racism — August 8, 1997
IBPP Editor

This article posits several psychological processes contributing to the inevitability of racism.


Globalization and Enmeshment: Implications for Foreign Policy — August 8, 1997
IBPP Editor

This article posits that national strategies of self-harm may become more adaptive in a world of increasing globalization.


Political Oracles, Issues, and Candidates: It's in the Stars — June 8, 1997
IBPP Editor

This article describes some parameters in employing media stars to support campaigns for political initiatives.



Trends. Carrots and Sticks: The Aftermath of Terrorist Acts — August 8, 1997
IBPP Editor

The author discusses the controversy over the Israeli government response to the terrorist acts on July 30, 1997 of two suicidal bombers in West Jerusalem.


Trends. Cognitive Complexity, Moral Complexity, and Foreign Policy: Commonalities between President Suharto and William Weld — August 8, 1997
IBPP Editor

The author discusses the

cognitive and moral complexities, and foreign policy commonalities between President Suharto and William Weld.