International Bulletin of Political Psychology (IBPP) | Vol 4 | Iss 1



Critiquing Critiques of Profiling in Aviation Security Screening Programs: Why the ACLU Has It Wrong — January 9, 1998
IBPP Editor

This article provides commentary on the American Civil Liberty Union's (ACLU) criticisms of the Computer Assisted Passenger Screening System (CAPS) that was developed under the auspices of the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) to support aviation security.



Trends. Immediate Implications of the Khatami Interview — January 9, 1998
IBPP Editor

This article analyzes CNN's Christiane Amanpour's interview of Iran's President Mohammad Khatami.


Trends. Terrorism in Algeria: The Psychology of Extinction — January 9, 1998
IBPP Editor

The author discusses political election tactics primarily in Algeria.