International Bulletin of Political Psychology (IBPP) | Vol 4 | Iss 10



Biological Warfare as Psychological Warfare — March 13, 1998
IBPP Editor

This article describes the psychological benefits of an offensive biological warfare program


Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs: The Motivations of Zapatistas — March 13, 1998
IBPP Editor

This article describes the hypothetical construct of motivation and illustrates a political application of Maslow's hierarchy of needs.


Philosophy and the Propaganda of Mental Health Care: What "Real" Doctors Do — March 13, 1998
IBPP Editor

This article describes common propaganda efforts effected by representatives of mental health professional organizations.



Trends. A Strategic Defense Initiative Against Biological Warfare: Sense? Nonsense? Mal Vu, Mal Dit? — March 13, 1998
IBPP Editor

The author discusses the Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI) that was initiated by United States (US) President Ronald Reagan during his first term.


Trends. Injustice through Justice Within the INS and the FBI: Fertile Territory for Information — March 13, 1998
IBPP Editor

The author discusses the quest for justice, in which policymakers, legislators, and those who seek to influence them sometimes seek to effect mandatory sequences of adjudicative procedure upon allegations of misbehavior.