International Bulletin of Political Psychology (IBPP) | Vol 4 | Iss 11



In Passing: The Political Psychology of "As If" as a Tool of Security Policy — March 20, 1998
IBPP Editor

This article comments on the adaptive consequences for international security policy of formally ascribing a reality to a reality that seemingly doesn't exist.


Psychological Profiles and Illegal Political Violence: A Commentary — March 20, 1998
IBPP Editor

This article provides guidance as to the nature of psychological profiles that best facilitate predicting, preventing, and attenuating illegal political violence.


The Future Interface of Political and Industrial/Organizational Psychologies: The Case of Air Traffic Controllers — March 20, 1998
IBPP Editor

This article presents a brief overview of future psychological challenges bearing on the improving the performance of air traffic controllers. The most significant challenges appear to be philosophical, political, social, and cultural.



Trends. Human Rights in the People's Republic of China: On Rewards and Leverage — March 20, 1998
IBPP Editor

The author discusses the Clinton administration's announcement that it will not sponsor this year's resolution before the United Nations Human Rights Commission in Geneva that would condemn the People's Republic of China (PRC) for human rights violations.


Trends. Nuclear Weapons Policy in India: Admitting, Denying, or Deflecting the Truth — March 20, 1998
IBPP Editor

The author discusses the possibility the India may have nuclear weapons.