International Bulletin of Political Psychology (IBPP) | Vol 4 | Iss 13



A Psychology of Democracy in Africa: From the Heart of Darkness? — April 3, 1998
IBPP Editor

This article describes psychological phenomena affecting quests for international democratization.


How Standards and Accountability Lead to Safety and Security Violations at Nuclear Weapons Plants — April 3, 1998
IBPP Editor

This article describes some counterintuitive consequences of instituting safety standards and accountability practices at nuclear weapons plants.


Surface and Source Aspects of Political Leadership: Implications for the Psychology of Scandal — April 3, 1998
IBPP Editor

This article describes psychological research bearing on the import of so-called character lapses on political leadership.



Trends. Alternative Therapies and Resistance to Disconfirming Information in Security Bureaucracies: Perspective of a Fourth Grader — April 3, 1998
IBPP Editor

The author discusses the science experiment of a fourth-grader in relation to practitioners of alternative therapies and the health field.


Trends. Globalization and Security: Somalia, Indonesia, and the Import of Mobility — April 3, 1998
IBPP Editor

The author discusses the potential for significant impact on the security of nation-states that illegal immigrants can have.