International Bulletin of Political Psychology (IBPP) | Vol 6 | Iss 13



Canada's "Respect Project" Poses Some Questions About Groups — April 2, 1999
IBPP Editor

The article discusses Canada's online Respect Project is mainly concerned with ethical, logical, epistemological, social, and cultural topics. It aims at the integral respect of cultures and persons.


Using and Misusing History: Kosovo and the Epistemological Challenge — April 2, 1999
IBPP Editor

This article highlights the difficulties inherent to informing security policy with history.


Victimization as Causal Factor in Aggression: The Expected Consequences of NATO Bombing — April 2, 1999
IBPP Editor

This article describes the psychology of victimization as it impacts on North Atlantic Treaty Organization attempts to minimize aggression of the Yugoslavian and Serbian governments towards Kosovar Albanians.

IBPP Research Associates


From the IBPP Research Associates. Albania. — April 2, 1999
Staff writer - Albanian Daily News/Evening Report

This article -Tirana Sets Out Emergency Procedures - written by a staff writer at the Albanian Daily News/Evening Report of Independent Albanian Economic Tribune and illustrates the political psychological crisis engendered among citizens of Albania concerning the Kosovo crisis. It discusses practical steps for citizens to take in the event of emergency.

Copyright permissions for open access were not available, and the article could not be posted for download. Please contact Albanian Daily News ( for details.



Trends. The Psychology of War and Peace: Good and Bad Demons in Yugoslavia — April 2, 1999
IBPP Editor

The articles discusses the affects of demonization and war.


Trends. War and Goal-Directed Behavior: How Milosevic is Winning — April 2, 1999
IBPP Editor

The author discusses the NATO bombings of Yugoslavia.