International Bulletin of Political Psychology (IBPP) | Vol 6 | Iss 16



Mental Health as Global Health: A Joint World Health Organization-European Commission Initiative — April 23, 1999
IBPP Editor

This article describes a current international mental health conference and a rationale for this conference.


Plus Ca Change, Plus La Meme Chose: Online Communication As Still Offline — April 23, 1999
IBPP Editor

This article continues a series on the psychology of virtual reality (VR). As opposed to previous articles that focus on putative psychological consequences of VR technology (VRT), the present article posits that such consequences may be apocryphal.


Why Behavior Can't be the Sole Arbiter of Foreign Policy Goodness: The Ghosts In and Out of the Machine and Yugoslavia — April 23, 1999
IBPP Editor

This article highlights a common fallacy in the critique of foreign policy initiatives.

IBPP Research Associates


IBPP Research Associates. Banja Luka, Srpska — April 23, 1999
Zeljka Kasagic

This article is a letter from a 26 year-old Serbian female, Ms. Zeljka Kasagic, of Banja Luka, Srpska. The letter was written in a response to inquiries by Global Network Initiative staffer Gil Grein concerning the current crisis between the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) and Yugoslavia.



Trends. A Profile of Racial Profiles — April 23, 1999
IBPP Editor

The author discusses profiling as an approach to prevent crime and to apprehend criminal perpetrators.


Trends. Tragedies of School Shootings in the United States: A Matter of Experts — April 23, 1999
IBPP Editor

The author discusses the opining of experts after the Columbine school shooting.