International Bulletin of Political Psychology (IBPP) | Vol 6 | Iss 2



Aviation Security: The Human Element in Human Factors — January 15, 1999
IBPP Editor

This article describes aspects of social and political human functioning that are germane to security violations discovered by representatives of the Federal Aviation Agency (FAA) in tests at various United States (U.S.) airports. FAA reports on the violations were obtained by The New York Times through the U.S. Freedom of Information Act and discussed in the Times' January 11th Issue.


Privatization and the Private Psychology of Social Security — January 15, 1999
IBPP Editor

This article describes a crucial psychological nexus that mitigates against governmental attempts to privatize social security programs.


Terrorists' Delight: The Soft Psychological Underbelly of a Superpower in the Post-Cold War Era — January 14, 1999
IBPP Editor

This article describes psychological vulnerabilities of the one remaining superpower that are being exploited by terrorist organizations--those that are state-sponsored and abetted and those sponsored and abetted by other political actors.

IBPP Research Associates


From the IBPP Research Associates. Brazil: Agnaldo Garcia — January 15, 1999
Agnaldo Garcia

The author - Agnaldo Garcia - discusses current international headlines from Brazil focusing on macroeconomic Issues, the following data pertains to events "on the ground."



Trends. Religious Killing: Going By the Book — January 15, 1999
IBPP Editor

The author discusses the unfortunate social phenomena in India of religion-based killing and desecrating.


Trends. The Mother of All Warnings to North Korea — January 14, 1999
IBPP Editor

The author discusses the problematic logic of the UN ordering the North Korean government to allow a nuclear weapons development site to be inspected.