International Bulletin of Political Psychology (IBPP) | Vol 6 | Iss 5



Heterosexuality, Condoms, and Political Destabilization in Africa — February 5, 1999
IBPP Editor

This article describes psychosocial factors linked to condom use and the political implications of not maintaining this linkage.


Homosexuality and the United States Military: Problems With Sex Policies and Policies on Sex — February 5, 1999
IBPP Editor

This article identifies and discusses some problems with current United States military personnel policies related to homosexuality.


Globalization and the Global Mind: An East-West Split? — February 5, 1998
IBPP Editor

This article highlights Issues in identifying and validating group psychological differences.

IBPP Research Associates


From the IBPP Research Associates. Brazil: Rafael Raffaelli — February 5, 1999
Rafael Raffaelli

This article is an e-mail interview with Dr. Rafael Raffaelli who is affiliated with Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Brazil. The interview discusses an academician in politics and the differences between his written stances and his political ones.



Trends. The Deployment of Ground Forces to Kosovo: A Paean for Ambiguity — February 5, 1999
IBPP Editor

The articles discusses the peace talks in Rambouillet, France between Serbian government representatives and representatives of various ethnic Albanian organizations.