International Bulletin of Political Psychology (IBPP) | Vol 7 | Iss 10



Analysis of Feminism II — September 10, 1999
IBPP Editor

This is the second in a 5-part series on an analysis of feminism based on the research of Yvon Provençal. Dr. Provencal has been teaching philosophy at the Cégep de Granby (Québec) for nine years.


Group Therapy through an Internet Chat Room: Implications for Virtual Politics — September 10, 1999
IBPP Editor

This article continues a series on research presented at the 1999 Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association. The article provides empirical data that have implications for the psychology of a virtual politics that is increasingly common in a globalized world.

IBPP Research Associates


IBPP Research Associates: East Timor — September 10, 1999

The article is a rushed letter from an anonymous individual involved in East Timor in late August or early September 1999 when Indonesian troops were present in the area. The letter was sent to the International Peace Practitioners Network (IPPN). For reference, IPPN is a project of the Peace Psychology Division of the American Psychological Association and of Psychologists for Social Responsibility

The letter itself was subsequently forwarded to IBPP by IPPN, and the content of the letter was not verified by IBPP.

IBPP commentary includes a discussion of the role of political psychologists, and other interested parties, in the treatment of propaganda.



Trends. An Implosion of Ideology: Bosnia, Kosovo, Northern Ireland, Palestine, the Soviet Union, and Beyond — September 10, 1999
IBPP Editor

The article discusses multiethnic, representative democracies (MRDs) that often promulgate and effect foreign policies that are founded on the ideological premise that instilling MRDs throughout the world is necessarily the optimal road to Good.


Trends. Social Cognition and Global Warming — September 10, 1999
IBPP Editor

The article discusses the validity of global warming and on putative causes of the discourse and--if ontologically valid--of global warming, one might entertain the social psychology of how people might address a global environmental threat.