International Bulletin of Political Psychology (IBPP) | Vol 7 | Iss 15



Fiction, Nonfiction, and Biography: Ronald Reagan, Edmund Morris, and the Lives of Political Leaders — October 15, 1999
IBPP Editor

This article explores the dividing line between fiction and nonfiction in the biography of political leaders. Exemplifying this dividing line is the recent biography of former United States President Ronald Reagan by Edmund Morris.


Violating Human Rights to Support Human Rights: A Final Legacy of Pinochet? — October 15, 1999
IBPP Editor

This article analyzes the human rights implications of the recent legal decision that General Augusto Pinochet can be extradited to Spain to stand trial on torture and conspiracy charges.


Whorfian Hypotheses of Linguistic Relativity: An Application for Serbia — October 15, 1999
IBPP Editor

This article employs the Whorfian hypothesis to United States, European Union, and North Atlantic Treaty Organization policymaking towards Serbia.

IBPP Research Associates


IBPP Research Associates: Kenya — October 15, 1999
Michael Chege

The article - How Moi makes a fool of IMF: Corruption in Kenya has gone into overdrive - was written by Michael Chege, and was recently posted online at ( in 1999. Dr. Michael Chege, a Kenyan, is Director, Center for African Studies, University of Florida. This article first appeared in a recent Issue of "Africa Analise."

The author discusses economic reforms and renewed growth in Africa and the decade-long on-and-off dalliance between the IMF and the Daniel arap Moi government in Kenya.

IBPP Comment. The parallels to Issues between the IMF and Russia seem extraordinary. Opponents of how the IMF does business in Russia might well look to Kenya and yet other nation-states for analytic and operational shortfalls characteristic of the IMF infrastructure.

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Trends. Demise of the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty and the Telling Quote — October 15, 1999
IBPP Editor

The author discusses the Senate ratification of the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty.


Trends. Pakistan: An Iatrogenic Coup? — October 15, 1999
IBPP Editor

The article discusses the recent military coup in Pakistan.