International Bulletin of Political Psychology (IBPP) | Vol 8 | Iss 1



How Tuberculosis Threatens Supporters and Opponents of Racial Profiling — January 7, 2000
IBPP Editor

This article explores peculiarities of logic and reason among supporters and opponents of racial profiling as a tool of developing and implementing public policy.


Imbalances and Balance Theories: Israel, Taiwan, and The United States — January 7, 2000
IBPP Editor

This article highlights the imbalance in simple balance theories addressing the attitudes of allies and adversaries.


Michael Warner's "The Trouble With Normal: Sex, Politics, and the Ethics of Queer Life": Implications for Sex and Security — January 7, 2000
IBPP Editor

This article continues a series of IBPP articles on sex and security by exploring the implications of a new book on the appropriateness of public policy that bears on sexuality.

IBPP Research Associates


IBPP Feature Analysis: Political Sea Change or Mass-Mediated Political Spectacle? The 1999 Election Campaign in New Zealand — January 7, 2000
Laurence Alfred Powell

This article examines the impact of mass media on elections during the 1999 election campaign in New Zealand.



Trends. Chechnya as Projective Container — January 7, 2000
IBPP Editor

This article discusses and evaluates the views of political observers of Russian activities in Chechnya.