


The Last Article About a New Millennium? Alarms About Alarms About Political Terrorism — January 14, 2000
IBPP Editor

This article describes some of the communication complexities in informing and alerting the general public about political terrorism.


The Professional Academic and Hubris: The Case of Yongyi Song — January 14, 2000
IBPP Editor

This article describes a reification of academic activities in a world where there may be many kings. This reification is often employed as a vehicle to support human and civil rights initiatives. Unfortunately, this vehicle may mitigate against such rights.


When Peacekeeping is Not Peacemaking: Syrian-Israeli Negotiations at Shepherdstown — January 14, 2000
IBPP Editor

This article contrasts peacekeeping and peacemaking not only as distinct denotations but also as functional antitheses.

IBPP Research Associates


IBPP Research Associates: Sierra Leone — January 14, 2000
Staff Writer – Sierra Leone News

This article discusses the response of Anterwerp's High Diamond Council to smuggling allegations made by Partnership Africa Canada (PAC). It was originally published in Sierra Leone News on January 13, 2000, and was not included due to lack of copyright permissions.

Comment by IBPP editor: IBPP notes that international trafficking in illicit assets--e.g., weapons, drugs, diamonds, and people--continue to constitute a primary aspect of global crime. Also, globalization seems to offer threat and opportunity for crime.



Trends. Problems with the National Ignition Facility: Implications for Leadership and Test Bans — January 14, 2000
IBPP Editor

This article examines issues surrounding the National Ignition Facility (NIF), designed to allow scientists to study the properties of nuclear weapons without detonating them.


Trends. Syria, Israel, and the Power of Money — January 14, 2000
IBPP Editor

This article the political psychology and role of aid in the Middle East, focusing on the conflict between Israel and Syria.