International Bulletin of Political Psychology (IBPP) | Vol 8 | Iss 22



Transboundary Areas and Peace: Virtual Peace and Virtual Reality in the 21st Century — June 30, 2000
IBPP Editor

This article outlines a conceptual structure for developing knowledge and assessing the impact that transboundary areas may have on Issues of war and peace. This structure is based on the constructs of virtual peace and virtual reality. Also, this structure can be used by psychologists and other researchers, political leaders and policymakers, and citizens throughout the world committed to a world with more peace and less war.

IBPP Research Associates


IBPP Research Associates: Nigeria — June 30, 2000
Staff Writer - The Post Express

This article - Topic: Shari'a: A Recurring Time Bomb - was written by a staff writer, and it was originally published in The Post Express on June 26, 2000. It may accessed in part at The full article resides in the AllAfrica archive, and it may be accessed via an AllAfrica subscription (

This article discusses Shari'a law and the concerns surrounding the possibility of amending the Nigerian constitution to make Shari'a the legal system of the country.



Trends. Hard on Defense as Soft on Defense: A Recurring Vulnerability of the Nation-State — June 30, 2000
IBPP Editor

This article discusses the psychologies surrounding the idea of being "hard" on defense.


Trends. Mixed Messages and Mixed Metaphors: 21st Century Political Discourse — June 30, 2000
IBPP Editor

This article discusses the use of mixed metaphors in political communication.