International Bulletin of Political Psychology (IBPP) | Vol 8 | Iss 9



Crisis of One China, Two Systems: Great Leap Backward, One Step Backward, or the Old Two Step? — March 3, 2000
IBPP Editor

This article explores the political psychology of crisis through analysis of a political document recently released by the top leadership of the People's Republic of China (PRC).


Journalism and Unconscious Racism: A Perspective from South Africa — March 3, 2000
IBPP Editor

This article describes psychological problems in accurately identifying racism in public policy discourse.


Military Arms to Taiwan: Competing Agendas — March 3, 2000
IBPP Editor

This article explores competing cognitions about the advisability of the United States Government (USG) selling advanced weapons to Taiwan.

IBPP Research Associates


IBPP Research Associates: Ghana — March 3, 2000
William Fayorsey

This article - Political Lessons Inside a Taxi Cab -- Straight Talk - from William Fayorsey discusses political discourse in a taxi in Ghana as reported in The Ghanaian Times.

It is currently available via GhanaWeb (, and it may be accessed there.

In the event that the above document has been removed, please contact GhanaWeb through their Feedback form ( for more information.



Trends. Hissen Habre and Human Rights: Right or Wrong? — March 3, 2000
IBPP Editor

This article discusses which high authorities (or national leaders), inside a given country and outside it, may be held accountable for human rights violations in given place.


Trends. Labor and Environmental Standards and Human Welfare: Global Prescriptions — March 3, 2000
IBPP Editor

This article discusses the human consequences - labor and environmental impacts - of free trade, and the impact of possible standards for addressing those consequences.