


Lateral and Vertical Structures of Politics: Psychological Movement and Principles of the Natural Sciences. (Work in progress) — July 7, 2000
IBPP Editor

This article discusses Dr. Ji-Young Kim's theory of mind, and the political implications of it.

IBPP Research Associates


IBPP Research Associates: Ethiopia — July 7, 2000
Tafessework Wondimu - Addis Tribune

This article - The Essence of "Military Preparedness" - was written by Tafessework Wondimu, first appeared in the Addis Tribune in mid-2000. It is available in part online. The full article resides in the AllAfrica archive, and it may be accessed via an AllAfrica subscription.

In the article,the author discusses military preparedness in European and Soviet history as well as the place of military preparedness in an international setting.



Trends. Correct Political Incorrectness: Can Germans be Right About Jews? — July 7, 2000
IBPP Editor

This article discusses former Chancellor of Germany Helmut Kohl's analogy, which compared boycotts of his fundraising campaign to pay for fines incurred on his political party because of his illegal and illicit fund-raising initiatives to Nazi-era boycotts of Jewish shops.


Trends. Licit and Illicit Human Trafficking: The Ultimate Violation of Human Rights — July 7, 2000
IBPP Editor

This article discusses human trafficking for economic reasons and its context.