International Bulletin of Political Psychology (IBPP) | Vol 9 | Iss 9



Mass Media and Violence: Science as Ideology, Ideology as Science — September 22, 2000
IBPP Editor

This article critiques a commonly promulgated belief that mass media-conveyed violence induces commensurate behavioral violence in its recipients.


A Review of "Vanishing Borders: Protecting the Planet in the Age of Globalization" by Hilary French: Implications for Peace — September 15, 2000
IBPP Editor

This article reviews a recent book by Hilary French, vice president for research at the Worldwatch Institute.


Oil Dependence as National Psychiatric Diagnosis — September 15, 2000
IBPP Editor

This article suggests a case for an entity of national psychopathology--viz., oil dependence.


The Need for Racial Profiling: Negative Fallout of the Wen Ho Lee Case — September 15, 2000
IBPP Editor

This article describes a counterproductive theme within public discourse on racial profiling, as the Wen Ho Lee case has been resolved.

IBPP Research Associates


IBPP Research Associates: Ghana — September 15, 2000
Anonymous - The Online Independent (Ghana)

This article was originally a letter to the editor from the Online Independent, Ghana, and references to it appeared in IBPP on September 15, 2000 for volume 9, issue 9. It could not be posted for download because copyright permissions are unavailable.

The letter discusses hypocrisy and religion in Ghana.



Trends. Rat Psychology During the United States Presidential Election — September 15, 2000
IBPP Editor

This article examines the ethics of the alleged use of subliminal perception - the word"Rats" superimposed on an attack on Vice President Gore's health care plans - by representatives of the Bush campaign in the 2000 presidential election.


Trends. The Politics of Psychopathology: Ritalin Conspiracy as Paranoia or as Good Business? — September 15, 2000
IBPP Editor

This article discusses the intersection of science, pharmaceuticals, and politics in the context of Ritalin and an alleged over-diagnosis of attention deficit disorder (ADD).