This causal-comparative and correlation study investigated the costs of runway incursion safety improvements in relation to their effectiveness to assess potential aviation system benefits.Two airports (Los Angeles International and Dallas-Ft. Worth International), which were early adopters of Runway Status Lights (RWSL), a runway incursion technology, were targeted in this analysis. Findings indicated that there were no significant differences in counts or rates of Category A, B, and D incursions at LAX and DFW when comparing the time periods before versus after RWSL installation. Category C counts and rates were found to have increased significantly after RWSL installation. The findings of this study outline the importance of assessing empirically-based impacts of large investments in aviation safety prior to implementing them system-wide. The findings do not support the premise that RWSL has improved safety at either LAX or DFW airports. Suggestions for future research are also outlined.
Scholarly Commons Citation
Ison, D. C.
Analysis of Runway Incursion Trends: Implications for Cost-Benefit Analysis of Mitigation Investments.
International Journal of Aviation, Aeronautics, and Aerospace,
DOI: https://doi.org/10.15394/ijaaa.2020.1438