Precision landing has the potential to increase the accuracy of autonomous landings. Unique applications require specific landing performance; for example, wireless charging loses efficiency with a misalignment of 100mm. Unfortunately, there is no publicly available information for the DJI Mavic Pro’s landing specifications. This research investigated the ability of a Mavic Pro to land at a specified point accurately. The purpose of this research is to determine if precision landings are more accurate than non-precision autonomous landings and if the Mavic Pro is capable of applications such as wireless charging when using precision landings. A total of 128 (64 precision and 64 non-precision) landings were recorded. A two-tail two-sample t-test compared the differences between Precision Landing On vs. Precision Landing Off (PLON vs. PLOFF). Data showed statistical evidence to reject the null hypothesis indicating there was a statistical performance in mean landing accuracy with PLON (M = 3.45, SD = 1.30) over PLOFF (M = 4.40, SD = 1.89), t(109) = -3.313, p = 0.0013. A one-tail one-sample t-test comparing the landing distance of PLON to 100mm (distance for effective wireless charging) produced statistical evidence to reject the null hypothesis indicating the PLON landing accuracy (M = 87.63mm, SD = 33.02mm) was less than 100mm, t(62) = -2.98, p = 0.002. Evidence showed that precision landings increased the landing performance and may allow for future potential applications, including wireless charging.
Scholarly Commons Citation
Yoakum, C.,
Cerreta, J.
A Review of DJI’s Mavic Pro Precision Landing Accuracy.
International Journal of Aviation, Aeronautics, and Aerospace,
DOI: https://doi.org/10.15394/ijaaa.2020.1524