

The main topic of this study is impression management. The study aims to reveal the awareness of airport professionals about managing impressions and the impression management tactics they use in business life. The qualitative research method was used in the research. Data were collected from a total of 25 participants who were selected by the purposeful sampling method and who took on different duties at the airports. According to the results of the research, the awareness of the participants about impression management is high and these tactics are often preferred deliberately. Exemplification is the assertive tactic most used by the participants. Apart from this, ingratiation and self-promotion are among the frequently preferred assertive tactics by the participants. Apologies tactic, which is one of the defensive tactics, is also frequently preferred by the participants. Participants consider these tactics to be respected, loved, and trusted in the workplace and as a process of creating the desired image. Thanks to this image, participants aim to benefit from salary increases, promotions, and career advancements and avoid sanctions that they may face in adverse situations.


I sincerely thank all airport professionals who voluntarily participated in this research and shared their experiences and perceptions with me.



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