"Low Budget Forensic Drive Imaging Using Arm Based Single Board Compute" by Eric Olson and Narasimha Shashidhar

Prior Publisher

The Association of Digital Forensics, Security and Law (ADFSL)


Traditional forensic analysis of hard disks and external media typically involves a powered down machine and “dead analysis” of these devices. Forensic acquisition of hard drives and external media has traditionally been by one of several means: standalone forensic duplicator; using a hardware write-blocker or dock attached to a laptop, computer, workstation, etc., forensic operating systems that live boot from a USB, CD/DVD or virtual machines with preinstalled operating systems. Standalone forensics acquisition and imaging devices generally cost thousands of dollars. In this paper, we propose the use of single board computers as forensic imaging devices. Single board computers can provide a low budget forensic imaging solution that can be used in a lab, remote acquisition, or even be configured as portable imaging devices. This project tests different ARM processor based single board computers and the software available at the present time. The project includes image acquisition using a write-blocker, software write-blockers and without write-blockers to test the various configurations. The final results demonstrate clearly that ARM based single board computers can be used as low cost and low energy forensic imaging devices.


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