"SQL Injection: The Longest Running Sequel in Programming History" by Matthew Horner and Thomas Hyslip

Prior Publisher

The Association of Digital Forensics, Security and Law (ADFSL)


One of the risks to a company operating a public-facing website with a Structure Query Language (SQL) database is an attacker exploiting the SQL injection vulnerability. An attacker can cause an SQL database to perform actions that the developer did not intend like revealing, modifying, or deleting sensitive data. This can cause a loss of confidentiality, integrity, and availability of information in a company’s database, and it can lead to severe costs of up to $196,000 per successful injection attack (NTT Group, 2014). This paper discusses the history of the SQL injection vulnerability, focusing on:

  • How an attacker can exploit the SQL injection vulnerability
  • When the SQL injection attack first appeared
  • How the attack has changed over the years
  • Current techniques to defend adequately against the attack

The SQL injection vulnerability has been known for over seventeen (17) years, and the countermeasures are relatively simple compared to countermeasures for other threats like malware and viruses. The focus on security-minded programming can help prevent a successful SQL injection attack and avoid loss of competitive edge, regulatory fines and loss of reputation among an organization’s customers.


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