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The Association of Digital Forensics, Security and Law (ADFSL)
In recent years, ‘Cyber Security’ has emerged as a widely-used term with increased adoption by practitioners and politicians alike. However, as with many fashionable jargon, there seems to be very little understanding of what the term really entails. Although this is may not be an issue when the term is used in an informal context, it can potentially cause considerable problems in context of organizational strategy, business objectives, or international agreements. In this work, we study the existing literature to identify the main definitions provided for the term ‘Cyber Security’ by authoritative sources. We then conduct various lexical and semantic analysis techniques in an attempt to better understand the scope and context of these definitions, along with their relevance. Finally, based on the analysis conducted, we propose a new improved definition that we then demonstrate to be a more representative definition using the same lexical and semantic analysis techniques.
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Recommended Citation
Schatz, Daniel; Bashroush, Rabih; and Wall, Julie
"Towards a More Representative Definition of Cyber Security,"
Journal of Digital Forensics, Security and Law: Vol. 12
, Article 8.
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