"Analysis of Security in Big Data Related to Healthcare" by Isabel de la Torre, Begoña García-Zapirain et al.


Big data facilitates the processing and management of huge amounts of data. In health, the main information source is the electronic health record with others being the Internet and social media. Health-related data refers to storage in big data based on and shared via electronic means. Why are criminal organisations interested in this data? These organisations can blackmail people with information related to their health condition or sell the information to marketing companies, etc. This article analyses healthcare-related big data security and proposes different solutions. There are different techniques available to help preserve privacy such as data modification techniques, cryptographic methods and protocols for data sharing, query auditing methods and others that are analysed in this research work. Although there remains much to do in the field of big data security, research in this area is moving forward, both from a scientific and commercial point of view.


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