"Teaching Physical Extraction of Mobile Device Memory Undergraduate and Law Enforcement" by Joan Runs Through and Gary D. Cantrell

Prior Publisher

The Association of Digital Forensics, Security and Law (ADFSL)


Digital forensics is a multidisciplinary field encompassing both computer science and criminal justice. This action research compared demonstrated skill levels of university students enrolled in a semester course in small device forensics with 54 hours of instruction in mobile forensics with an emphasis on physical techniques such as JTAG and Chip-Off extraction against the skill levels of industry professionals who have completed an accelerated 40 hour advanced mobile forensics training covering much of the same material to include JTAG and Chip-Off extraction. Participant backgrounds were also examined to determine if those participants with a background in computer science had an advantage over participants with a criminal justice background. Study participants were volunteers ranging in age from 20 to over 60 and had a variety of backgrounds and prior work experience. Volunteers completed a timed trial comprised of four timed subtasks. Results were compared for both quality and speed in task. Qualitative, quantitative and observational data were gathered throughout the course of this study. Data gathered by this research study indicated that while students in the campus cohort were able to complete the subject trial within a 10% variance of those in the workshop cohort, the quality of the tasks completed was not within the 10% variance.


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