"Broadband Router Security: History, Challenges and Future Implication" by Patryk Szewczyk and Rose Macdonald


Consumer grade broadband routers are integral to accessing the Internet and are primarily responsible for the reliable routing of data between networks. Despite the importance of broadband routers, security has never been at the forefront of their evolution. Consumers are often in possession of broadband routers that are rich in consumer-orientated features yet riddled with vulnerabilities that make the routers susceptible to exploitation. This amalgamation of theoretical research examines consumer grade broadband routers from the perspective of how they evolved, what makes them vulnerable, how they are targeted and the challenges concerning the application of security. The research further explores the Australian roll out of a joint ISP; consumer extended public Wi-Fi network (Air), in which routers play crucial roles. The security of these networks is considered and questions are explored regarding consumer legal risks, particularly for consumers who opt-in to extend this service. This research paper concludes with recommendations for the development and introduction of Australian router security deployment standards.


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